Andalucia Steve



Umbrella category for everything I love to do with music, writing, musical instrument repair and customization.

If you are feeling philanthropic, here is a link to my wishlist on Thomann. Any item on this list will help in my quest to become a better more rounded musician!

Course Finished

Certificate of achievement - Berklee Songwriting via Coursera Celebrations! I finished my first with Coursera and here is the certificate to prove it!

I was graded at 91.3% over the course of seven weeks, which included various multiple choice tests and coursework.

The coursework result in me writing two original songs which knocked me out when I realised I'd done it - never written a song before - just didn't know how, but now I do and I want to write some more!!

Though not arduous, there was a lot more studying than I expected. 3-6 hours per week was the estimate but I found I spent a lot more time than that chasing up the supplied references, listening to recommended songs etc.

I enjoyed the course very much an I'll certainly be taking another one with Coursera later in the year. Meanwhile I revel in the knowledge that I am now a qualified (if fledgling) song writer!